Categories For Patients and Caregivers, Medical Research

Fighting Burnout for Patients, Caregivers, and Physicians Crucial With Chronic Conditions

”Burnout at its deepest level is not the result of some train wreck of examinations, long call shifts, or poor clinical evaluations. It is the sum total of hundreds and thousands of tiny betrayals of purpose, each one so minute that it hardly attracts notice.”

Psychology Today has a great summary of what burnout is, what symptoms are, and what you as a patient, caregiver or healthcare professional should look out for.  Not sure what burnout is?  Give this a read.
This article, recently published in the Atlantic magazine, openly discusses the challenge with burnout in young physicians today. Reading it shows   that many of the same challenges apply equally to patients, caregivers, and many others battling long-lasting and challenging conditions.  Allevio is a practice that tirelessly seeks to raise the bar of service, care, and what is available for both physicians and patients. We do this while the challenge for us is great, our opponents and people who celebrate mediocrity are many, and there are small challenges every day and at every turn.  The point, as this article explains quite well, is that for the future of medicine – and the very challenging area of pain management – nuances and small issues of the everyday realities can wear away at the vision and philosophical objective of the chosen path.
The long battle against a thousand small forces pushing against us is what we all collectively need to recognize and deal with. From Psychological support and group support at Allevio, to teamwork building, and even the blog you’re reading now and patient blogs as well – standing together makes all the difference.
It is the patient truly committed to control their condition and their life.  The caretaker truly focused on having their own life while supporting the person that needs them. The physician that enters their practice with an eagerness to work in their community to help all. The most challenging and not necessarily the most financially comfortable.  It is for these people that Allevio thrives.

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