London’s Dr. Patricia Morley-Forester will be speaking on local CBC radio stations across the country on Monday April 28th, with a focus on discussing chronic pain in Canada. Dr. Patricia Morley-Forster is a Professor of Anesthesiology at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario and a thought and practice leader in the area of chronic pain. Tuning in will be worthwhile for patients, their caregivers, and physicians.
Here’s a list of the times that Dr. Pat Morley-Forester will be speaking on local CBC stations, please take a look and tune in!
6:50 Charlottetown – Island Morning
Matt Rainnie – Host
Twitter: @islandmorning
7:00 Sudbury – Morning North
Markus Schwabe – Host
Twitter (show): @MorningNorth
Twitter (host): @cbcmarkus
7:20 Cape Breton (Sydney) – Information Morning
Steve Sutherland – Host
Twitter: @InfoMorningCB
7:40 Winnipeg – Information Radio
Terry MacLeod/Marcy Markusa – Host
Twitter: @CBCInfoRad
7:50 Regina – The Morning Edition
Host: Sheila Coles
Twitter handle: @sheilacolescbc
8:10 Kelowna – Daybreak South
Chris Walker – Host
Twitter: @cbckelowna
8:20 Saskatoon — Saskatoon Morning
Leisha Grebinski – Host
Twitter: @cbcsaskatoon
8:40 Whitehorse – A New Day
Sandi Coleman – Host
Twitter (show): @cbcanewday
8:50 Vancouver –The Early Edition
Rick Cluff – Host
Twitter (show): @cbcearlyedition