Programs and Procedures

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Programs and Procedures

Services & Procedures

Our philosophy is that medical procedures are used as a part of your overall treatment. Our medical treatment options incorporate international guidelines as a reference for care and include but are not limited to:

Epidural Steroid Injections

For neck pain, back pain, sciatica or radiculopathy (with or without fluoroscopy) caused by inflamed spinal nerves. ESI may be performed to relieve pain caused by spinal stenosis, spondylolysis, or disc herniation.

Stellate Ganglion or Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks

If you are experiencing pain in your leg, the lumbar sympathetic block can be performed which entails blocking the lumbar autonomous nerve. This is rated by most anesthesiologist as one of the most effective methods of treating chronic pain.

Intravenous Lidocaine/Ketamine

For long-term pain relief in patients with acute, chronic or neuropathic pain. These two agents are used to alleviate visceral pain and renal colic pain.

Diagnostic Selective Nerve Root Blocks

For identifying the cause of pain in persons with symptoms suggestive of chronic radiculopathy, in cases where the diagnosis is uncertain. The procedure works by inhibiting inflammation from occurring around the spinal root, thus, reducing pain.

Facet Medial Branch Blocks

For persons who experience pain mainly in their backs that are due to arthritic changes in the facet joints or due to mechanical low back pain. This procedure can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic management of your pain.

Botox Therapeutic Injections

Botox injections are primarily used to treat migraine headaches and pain relating to neuromuscular disorders that cause unconscious muscle movements. The goal of therapy is to alleviate or minimize pain and muscle spasm.

Radiofrequency Facet Neurotomy

This is a procedure that is geared towards treating joint pains that occur due to arthritis, injury or degenerative diseases. The procedure entails placing a heat lesion on certain types of nerves which cause an interruption in pain signals, thus reducing pain.

Sacroiliac Joint Injections

For treating or diagnosing lower back pain or sacroiliac joint dysfunctions. During the diagnostic process, the sacroiliac joint is numbed with local anesthetic and is guided by an X-ray.

Peripheral Nerve Blocks

A type of regional anesthetic that is used to block pain from being felt in certain areas of the body. They are mainly used on patients who will be doing surgery on the arm, hand, leg, feet or face.


For treatment of chronic back pain. It is a non-surgical therapy that is used to promote healing that works by stimulating the body’s immune system to repair damage muscle tissues.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

For treatment of muscle strains, tendinopathy, and arthritis. It is primarily used to promote wound healing and thus alleviate pain.


This is one of the main treatment methods for pain management. It entails the administration of oral, intravenous and intramuscular medications for the treatment of headaches, and muscle aches.


It very important to note that the human mind plays a huge role in the management of pain. Some of our psychological treatment for pain management include:

Group and Individual Mindfulness Sessions

Studies have shown that individuals who partake in meditations are more productive, healthier and happier than persons who don’t.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This helps you to freely express your thoughts and feelings about your health condition and pain and replaces negative energies and thoughts with positive ones.


This form of therapy is used to increase concentration and minimize distractions. Hypnosis is said to be an antidote for reducing pain. It is also used with other forms of pain management therapy to effectively reduce pain.


For the management of chronic pain. It addresses the cognitive, emotional, behavioural, sensory-physiological and interpersonal aspects of pain-related issues and alleviates unnecessary pain thus, reduce suffering.


A form of therapy that promotes the body’s ability to heal itself.

Cranial Osteopathy

To feel or detect subtle changes of tension and tissue quality in the human body and to detect and diagnose problems specifically associated with the brain. It helps to promote healing of damaged tissues and cells and thus, reduce or relieves pain.

Viceral Osteopathy (CBT)

For the management of chronic pain in the neck, back, shoulders, and legs. The entire body is examined thoroughly to determine the primary cause of pain. Visceral Osteopathy can be used to treat period pains, asthma, whiplash, painful constipation, among others.

Myofacial Release

Aims at treating musculoskeletal immobility and pain by causing stimulation of the muscle stretch reflex, promoting relaxation of contracted muscles and improving blood and lymphatic circulation. It is a safe hands-on technique which entails the application of pressure to body tissues (connective) to prevent pain.

Lymphatic Technique

For treatment of chronic pain resulting from conditions such as fibromyalgia. Lymphatic Technique works by increasing the free flow of lymphatic fluid.

Muscle Energy Technique

Afraid of needles and drugs? Then this is great news. This is another form of manual therapy that is used to diagnose and treat pain, increase muscle strength and muscular hypertonicity.

Somato Emotional Release

For releasing negative emotions that hinder the healing process. It assists with relieving the body of past residual effects of emotional and physical damage.


This is an area of health that shows the structure of the body, mainly the spine, which is essential for the general functioning of the body. It is aimed at correcting the body’s alignment, alleviating pain and promote healing of the entire body.

Chiropractic Spinal and Appendicular Joint Manipulation

For relief of musculoskeletal pain and to improve range of motion. This technique entails passive movements of the joints.

Joint Manipulation

For relief of musculoskeletal pain and to improve range of motion. This technique entails passive movements of the joints.

Manual Adjustment and Activation of Joints

Very similar to joint manipulation. A force is applied to the joint to enhance mobilization.


These are specific techniques, devices, and agents that are geared towards enhancing health and reducing pain. Some of the treatment modalities include heat therapy, cryotherapy (cold therapy), electrical stimulation and low-level laser treatment.

Myofacial Treatments

Myofascial release is a type of physical therapy often used to treat myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder caused by sensitivity and tightness in your myofascial tissues. These tissues surround and support the muscles throughout your body.


A traditional form of Chinese medicine used to treat back pain, neck pain, knee pain, migraine headaches, and depression. It works by stimulating specific areas of your body.

Mechanical Traction

A very effective non-surgical procedure that is used to relieve neck, arm, lower back and leg pain. Patients who suffer from degenerated or herniated discs and carpal tunnel syndrome utilize this procedure to help with minimizing pain. The procedure prevents the exertion of pressure on the disc and promotes circulation.


An old method of traditional therapy that is used to move lymphatic fluids, change muscle tone, correct movement patterns, and enhance posture, therefore, prevents and eases your pain. Athletes are a huge fan of this method. Keep those muscles in shape by trying Kinesiotaping.

Compression Therapy for Pain

Compression stockings improve the signs and symptoms of various conditions of venous disease by providing graduated compression therapy to help control leg swelling and discomfort. They are designed to provide support to the legs and veins, assist with circulation, and minimize swelling.

Custom Made Orthotics and Orthopedic Shoes

Allevio provides custom-made orthotic shoes that will keep your feet comfortable and pain-free. It also helps to keep your feet properly aligned, thus preventing and alleviating pain.


Massage Therapy / ART™

Whether your need is to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your sense of emotional and physical well-being.

Nutritional Consulting

Your diet plays an essential role in pain management. If you consume the wrong foods you may experience a delay when it comes to pain relief. We have expert nutritionists that will help you determine the most suitable foods for your health and wellbeing.

Occupational Health

We have highly trained occupational therapists who promote health and assist our clients to attain and maintain the highest level of physical, mental and social well-being. We perform active assessments of health risks and educate and train our clients to work safe and efficient in their work environs.

Individual, Family or Executive Multidisciplinary Assessments

Not only are we concerned about your individual health, we are concerned about your families and work environment. We provide proper assessments to help with treating and alleviating pain.

Multidisciplinary Case Conferences

Allevio conducts case conferences to empower the members of the healthcare team and patients about pain management.

Preventative Health and Preventative Workplace Programs

Allevio extends beyond our physical location and visits workplaces to implement programs, to enhance safety and to ease and prevent pain.

Allevio Clinic Hours

Mon – Fri
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM