VIDEO: A #Doctor's Touch

So much of managing pain and headaches has to do with the patient and patient / doctor relationship.  It’s why medical history is so important when doctors make a diagnosis, why communication with your doctor is critical to good care, and most importantly, why a good relationship with your doctor and positive outlook on your … Read more

11 Home Remedies for #Migraine #Headaches

We recently came across this article on and thought it was worth sharing. It’s based on an interview with Dr. Brian Grosberg, assistant professor of neurology and director of Inpatient Headache Program  from the Montefiore Headache Center in Bronx, N.Y.and, aside from pointing out that nearly 75% of all migraine suffers are women, offers … Read more

VIDEO: Explaining The Mystery of #Chronicpain

Pediatric anesthesiologist Elliot Krane, chief of the Pediatric Pain Management Service at the Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, gave a TED lecture recently about a patient of his who had chronic pain in her wrist and it spread throughout her body. This is a GREAT video for those who do not have chronic pain … Read more

#Pain, Perceptions and Prescriptions

Recently, there have been a number of major media sites that are starting to focus and explain chronic pain. One such outlet is AOL’s Huffington Post. In this article, written by doctor Richard Besdine, a lot of time is taken to explain how overlooked chronic pain is in the US.  Besdine also explains the paradigm … Read more

Migraine Relief Through Pacemaker?

ABC News is reporting an interesting case of migraine relief where the patient now has a neurostimulator (that, as the article describes, is like a small piece of spaghetti) has helped her. After 44 drugs and years of suffering, this experiment has helped her.  The doctor who took on the challenge, Stephen D. Silberstein MD … Read more

Ontario Minister Of Health Re-Elected

A warm congratulations to the Ontario Liberals, who are one seat shy of a majority government in Ontario. It’s good news for healthcare here! A special salute today to Deb Matthews of London North Centre, who managed to secure a very decisive victory in her riding, capturing over 43% of the vote.

Chronic Pain On The Political Agenda

This article, found in the Ottawa Citizen , is the first of what we think will be many that show how the government is going to respond to the “chronic pain question”. How will government work with the communities and hospitals to deal with chronic pain?  Will they implement solutions, just assign more money, investigate … Read more

The Allevio Blog Is Up And Running!

After many months of planning and working on building our online environment, we are pleased and proud to be launching our blog! This is going to be an organic and ever-changing environment. It’s a forum for patients, chronic pain suffers, doctors, friends, family, media and politicians to come. Here, you can participate in the discussion … Read more