Latest Apollo #MedicalMarijuana Research Shows Effective Opiate Reduction

The latest from the Apollo Blog outlines very interesting and encouraging interim research about chronic pain patients who are using opiates (pain killers) as their main way to manage their pain: a significant number of patients who are on addictive pain killers are reporting using less of those drugs while on the medical cannabis available through … Read more

VIDEO: Why YOU are instrumental in your joint replacement surgery

Today we are happily sharing another whiteboard video by Dr. Mike Evans, Toronto based professor, doctor and health educator extraordinaire. Dr. Evans outlines some very practical aspects of preparing for joint surgery which encourage the patient to be at the centre of the process. The key message: all of the surgeons, nurses and practitioners that participate in your care … Read more

What is the story with Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection is a therapeutic treatment using the patients’ own blood, put through a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the number of platelets, which is then re-injected to the injured site or pain area. Because platelets contain a variety of growth factors which are instrumental in the healing process of tissues, this … Read more